West of England ‘Towards Zero Emission Buses’ Symposium

Last week the leading innovators of the low carbon bus industry gathered in Bristol to explore the opportunities, barriers, options and practical local arrangements around bringing zero emission buses to the West of England.

The Symposium was organised by Steer Davies Gleave and hosted by the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership and Bristol European Green Capital 2015. Baroness Kramer, Minister of State for Transport, sent a keynote address by video.

David George, Associate at Steer Davies Gleave and advisor to the  West of England LEP, said “this event was about sparking interest and making people aware of what is happening rather than conveying lots of information. The format worked really well and I am delighted that it gave our client the awareness  of the low carbon bus industry that they were seeking.”

The invited attendees were given an insight into the practical experience of operating low or zero emission buses in various operating environments. Attendees also heard from bus and engine manufacturers about how they are addressing the challenges the operators face and the different power options that are available  -  all having advantages and disadvantages depending on the operating environment and local circumstances.

Bristol’s Mayor George Ferguson spoke about the opportunities within the sub-region: “With the MetroBus rapid transit coming and Bristol being awarded 2015 European Green Capital, the West of England has an unrivalled opportunity to showcase zero emission bus technology and help address air quality issues. This is our invitation and challenge to the industry: to come here, invest locally and be part of our success and innovation.”

Feedback from those who attended the Symposium was very positive.

For further information about the Symposium visit www.travelwest.info/lcbus


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