Steer Davies Gleave and SASI join forces to provide unique service offer

Steer Davies Gleave and Strategic Aviation Solutions International (SASI) have formed a collaboration agreement to jointly promote aviation consultancy services across specific geographies.

The collaboration agreement combines Steer Davies Gleave’s air passenger, regulatory and wider business strategy expertise, with SASI’s airline fleet and cargo, cargo facility design and logistics experience.

Bringing together Steer Davies Gleave and SASI’s joint expertise in the aviation and cargo markets offers clients a unique service capability built on combined global experience.  This combined team brings together international expert analysts and senior industry figures, who between them have unrivalled depth and breadth of experience both on a global and regional level.

The two firms are  currently working together on airport privatization projects and other opportunities that have shown the benefits possible to their combined customer base.

Steer Davies Gleave and SASI are both independent firms who pride themselves in offering unbiased and objective advice. This independence is extremely valued by the aviation industry across the world.

Stephen Wainwright, Director and Head of Aviation at Steer Davies Gleave said “this collaboration agreement extends our strategic consultancy offer to the industry and means that we can provide the global aviation market something that is truly unique”

Stan Wraight, Executive Director of SASI said  “Steer Davies Gleave and SASI are both great firms, together our independent analysis and advice gives our clients access to best in class service offerings”

Both Steer Davies Gleave and SASI provide expertise to airports, airlines and financial institutions across the globe.


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