Steer Davies Gleave create street visualisations for Leeds future cycling vision

With less than a week to go until the start of the 2014 Tour de France, a series of cyclist-friendly street visualisations, designed by Steer Davies Gleave, have been released depicting what Leeds could look like if its £4 million cycling vision is realised.

Working alongside our client British Cycling and liaising with Leeds City Council, we have produced a glimpse of what The Headrow, the official starting point for the 2014 Tour de France and home to Leeds Town Hall, could look like if it was remodelled to better accommodate cyclists while retaining its role as the main west-east bus route through the city.

Our Design for Movement team produced the visualisations for the scheme and prepared indicative costs, the key finding of which was that implementing the changes could be done at an approximate annual cost of £5 per person that lives in Leeds. That is just half of the recommended amount of government funding suggested in the ‘Get Britain Cycling’ report that was published by the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group in 2013.

With the Tour rapidly approaching the visualisations have been released at a timely juncture, with the competition providing an apt platform for cycling advocates to push for a lasting cycling legacy throughout the region.



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