Jim Steer delivers CILT President’s Lecture

Steer Davies Gleave founder and director Jim Steer will be delivering this year’s Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) President’s Lecture, entitled Transport Planning – Back to the Future. Jim assumed the role of President-Elect in May 2013.

Jim’s presentation will focus on the relationship between transport planning and the economy, arguing that planning is not the enemy of economic ambition but a pre-requisite. Transport planning in Britain is at a cross-roads, with political support for pricing road use receded and only the national agencies and Transport for London having the resources to develop major initiatives. Mega-projects costing £10bn+ face lengthy planning battles and modest investments are being overlooked. There are no new major urban transport initiatives outside London. Meanwhile, there is unprecedented demographic growth, with congestion increasing on road, rail and aviation networks. Jim maintains that intelligent planning has good answers that will accelerate and facilitate change, ease congestion and improve quality of life.

Jim has had a 40 year career in transport planning and is one of the country's leading authorities on transport. He co-founded Steer Davies Gleave in 1978 – and today it is the largest independent consultancy in Britain. He led the company for 24 years before taking a secondment to the Strategic Rail Authority, where he was responsible for strategic planning. When the Strategic Rail Authority was wound up in 2005, he returned to consultancy and also established Greengauge 21 to lead a debate on high-speed rail for Great Britain.

Jim is a well-known speaker on transport topics and a regular contributor to industry publications.

The lecture will take place on 25 March, 6-9pm at Hallam Conference Centre, 44 Hallam Street, London, W1W 6JJ.

To attend, book your place now, quoting event code C0318:

By telephone: 01536 740104

By email: membership@ciltuk.org.uk

The lecture is free to attend to both members and non-members.

The lecture will be filmed and available on our website after the event.

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK - CILT(UK) - is the independent professional body for individuals associated with logistics, supply chains and all transport throughout their careers.


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