Luis Fernando Garzón Lemos

Principal Consultant & Design for Movement Leader

Luis is a graphic designer with an MA in Communication Design and has over 15 years of broad professional experience. Before joining Steer, Luis worked in the private sector in the design and development of e-learning products for Colombia and Latin America, as well as in the proposal and redesign of both physical and virtual products for the public and private sectors. 
Since joining Steer, Luis has participated in projects with public sector clients such as the tourist signage plans for Bogotá and Santa Marta, the information system for SITP (Integrated Public Transport System) users in Bogotá, the design proposal for the nomenclature system for the District of Panama, the information system for bicycle users in Bogotá and the information system for rural services in Santiago de Chile, as well as in orientation systems for public transport. He has participated in information systems for shopping centre car parks in Latin America with the private sector. He also has experience in developing technical documents related to mobility, such as manuals, guides, publications of mobility survey indicators, and cartographic support for infrastructure projects, among others.
He has experience in the diagnosis, proposal and implementation support for information systems in sectors such as public transport, tourism, parking, and pedestrian and cyclist mobility, as well as in the proposal and development of specialised products of editorial design and institutional design for socialisation and communication of mobility-related projects.


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